Hati Map

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This is a map of hospitals around Port-Au-Prince. It shows that almost all of the hospitals have been damaged.

This map of Port-Au-Prince shows how many makeshift camps that have popped up since the earthquake. It also shows collapsed and damaged buildings, obstacles, and landslides.

Week 4 Deliverable

In this lab I compared the size of four counties in Florida by using different map projections. It went fairly smoothly, the hardest part was getting the layout of the three maps just right. Also importing the table was a little aggravating, the numbers are pressed together.

Week 3 Deliverables

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This map shows elevations in Mexico using an elevation raster file with stretched symbology. I had hill shading turned on but with the different colors it didn't look right.

This map shows the urban areas as well as rivers, highways, and railroads. The hardest part of this exercise was getting all of the labels in the legend to look the right way.

In this map I used several different shapefiles to create a map of the Mexican states.
I then used the symbology function to show population classes.